Easy Sports Betting


Actually, the main reason why it’s so easy to get started with sports betting is that you don’t actually NEED to know anything other than the basics. Now, we’re not telling you this to. However, as the sports betting market has ballooned in size and attitudes towards sports betting have changed for the better, more efficient methods with lower fees (think credit cards) have become more the standard. More payment providers are willing to cooperate with sportsbooks, making anachronistic methods like money orders unnecessary. I find that new sports bettors take to these sports much easier, and the process is a lot simpler. Where people seem to get confused with betting is knowing what type of bet to make. When you get to the sportsbook or log into a sportsbook, you might feel overwhelmed by all of the options. Here’s what I’m going to do.


If you’ve found yourself here, it probably means two things. One, you love watching sports, and two, you’re curious about sports betting and how you can get involved. One of the biggest reasons that people miss out on the fun and profitability of sports betting is they find it intimidating. They’re confused by the jargon, types of bets, how to bet, and everything else that comes along with it.

Frankly, I totally get this. Before I found myself in a sportsbook for the first time thanks to some friends dragging me there, I was intimidated. I had never made a bet before because I figured it was too confusing and I didn’t want to take the time to have to learn everything under the sun just for the chance to do something that I didn’t understand.

Thankfully, my friends drug me to the sportsbook, and I made my first bet. Since then, I’ve become an avid bettor, and I love my time betting on a bunch of different sports. What I hope to do today is give you some information and some direction to help you make your first sports bet. Once you get the first one under your belt, it opens up a whole new world of possibilities for you. I’m also going to talk about which sports I think are the easiest to bet on and which bets you should be making.

What Sport Is the Easiest to Bet On?

The answer to this question is the sport that you understand the most. Are you a big basketball fan? Basketball will be the easiest sport for you to bet on. Big into football? Football will be the easiest sport for you to bet on. The toughest part for some new bettors is understanding the sport they are betting on. Once you have that down, making a bet is easy!

If I had to pick a few sports that were the easiest to get started on, I would have to pick basketball or football.
Easy sports betting calculatorEasy sports betting websites

I find that new sports bettors take to these sports much easier, and the process is a lot simpler. Where people seem to get confused with betting is knowing what type of bet to make. When you get to the sportsbook or log into a sportsbook, you might feel overwhelmed by all of the options.

Here’s what I’m going to do. I’m going to tell you the simplest basketball and football bet that you can make. I’ll give you the bare bones details you need to get your head into the game and get your first bet made. We can fill in all the details and the particulars later. I just want you to see what it’s like to place a bet, realize how easy it is, and then hopefully walk away a winner!

The simplest bet you can make is a moneyline bet. A moneyline bet is a pick on who is going to win the game. If the team you picked wins the game, you win your bet. It’s as simple as that.

Easy Sports BettingFor example

Let’s say the Dallas Cowboys are playing the Denver Broncos. If you think the Dallas Cowboys are going to win the game, you place a moneyline bet on the Cowboys, and if they win, you win! It doesn’t matter how many points they win by, how they win, or even if it’s pretty. All that matters is that they win, and you win your moneyline bet.

There are various trustworthy online sportsbooks you could place your bet at. Here are just a few for US and non-US bettors:

  • Recommended US Sportsbooks
  • Recommended Non-US Sportsbooks

The sportsbook will print on your ticket how much you will get paid out for a correct pick. The bigger the favorite the team you pick is, the less they are going to pay you out. The bigger the underdog your team is to win, the more you are going to get paid for a correct bet.

For your first bet, though, don’t even worry about this. Disregard everything except for who you think is going to win the game. Whoever that is, make a moneyline bet on them, and you’re all set! Most major sports will allow you to place moneyline bets. I’d recommend starting with basketball or football.

What Sports Are the Hardest to Bet On?

As you might expect, the hardest sports to bet on are going to be the ones that you understand the least. The more obscure the sport is, the more confused people seem to get and the more problems they have. Also, sports with a lot of ties confuse people often, and can be tougher to bet on. Soccer and hockey have a lot of ties, which give newer bettors some confusion because they aren’t really sure what happens if they tie, and a lot of times it is different at different sportsbooks.

If you are absolutely brand new to sports betting, I would shy away from these sports initially. In reality, they aren’t really that much more confusing, but my goal here is to give you the simplest of simple. Stick to the sports you know and make sure that you don’t get lost in all of the different types of bets. If you ask for help from people, they have a tendency to try and give you too much information at once. They want to tell you about every great bet on the board using technical jargon and facts and figures that make your head spin. There will be a time and place for all of that down the road, but for today let’s just get you through your first bet.

How Do I Make My First Bet Now?

Okay, so now that we’ve talked about which sports are the easiest and which are the hardest to bet on, let’s talk about what you need to do now to make your first bet. To make things easier, I’m going to break everything down into numbered steps.

  1. Look at the schedule of basketball or football games and find a game that you think you know who is going to win. Ideally, look for a game that is between the most evenly matched teams, so you get paid the most for picking a winner.
  2. Once you have your game and winner in mind, it’s time to place your bet. The first thing you need to do is either drive to the local sportsbook or create an online sportsbook account. I prefer online, but that’s because I don’t like dealing with people and traffic.
  3. Once you have your account created or you’ve arrived at the sportsbook, locate the game that you’re going to bet. Here is where the directions will be different for a brick-and-mortar sportsbook or for betting online.

Brick-and-mortar: Next to the game and team you want will be a number. This is the identifier for that bet. Write that number down. You then get in line, and when you get up to the agent, you tell them that you want to bet X amount on that number on the moneyline. So, for example, if you want to bet $20 on the Dallas Cowboys and the number next to them is 538, you would tell the clerk, “I want to bet $20 on 538 on the moneyline.” They will then print you out your betting slip.

Online: You will locate the game that you want, and next to that team there will be a button to click that says “moneyline.” Click that button, type in the amount you want to bet, and then submit your bet. Here’s a screenshot of where you would click on an upcoming basketball game.

  1. Once you have made your bet, make sure to look at your ticket and confirm that it is correct. This is true for betting online or for betting in the brick-and-mortar sportsbook. Sometimes you make mistakes, and sometimes the agent makes mistakes. Just clarify that everything is correct before you leave the window or before too much time passes. If there is an issue, tell the agent right away or contact support on the site right away. This is part of the reason I like betting online, because it eliminates the ability for an agent to make a mistake and input a bet wrong.

That’s all there is to it! With the click of a few buttons or a few magic words to a teller at the sportsbook, you’ve made your first bet.

The Fears You May Still Have

One of my biggest fears when I made my first bet was that I was going to do something stupid and look silly. I was worried the teller would ask me a question that I wouldn’t understand and that the whole sportsbook would laugh at me for being an amateur. Dramatic, I know. Here’s the reality. Everyone in the sportsbook is there to help you. Everyone had to make their first bet before, and they all know how intimidating it can be.

If you’re really scared about that still, you can always choose to bet online. You get to do it from the comfort of your own home, can take all the time in the world to check everything, and don’t run the risk of looking silly. Honestly, that shouldn’t be a fear, because I have never seen anyone get laughed at in a sportsbook for making a mistake before, but online sportsbooks are a great place to get your feet with minimal risk.

While it may sound irrational, I have had several people tell me they were scared of what to do if they won their bet. Sounds silly, but I wouldn’t be saying it if it wasn’t a thing. People are often worried about how they go about cashing in a winning ticket and what happens if they are accidentally wrong and they didn’t win.

Easy Sports Betting

Here’s a quick crash course and a quick story from me. If you win online, you don’t have to do anything. The money is automatically credited into your account after the win. You can then use it for another bet, or you can cash it out. If you win in the sportsbook, all you have to do is get back in line and when you get up to the teller, hand them your ticket. They will then hand you money and voila!

If you’re worried that you aren’t sure if you won or not, that’s ok. I actually accidentally gave a teller a losing slip once, and you know what happened? Nothing. No one laughed at me or put my picture up on a dodo board. The guy just told me that the ticket wasn’t a winner and I said, “Whoops, must have grabbed the wrong one!” and that was the end of the transaction. There is nothing to fear.

The Wrap-Up

So, what are you waiting for? If you’ve ever wanted to try your hand at sports betting, the time is now! You’ve got all the information you need and the steps to bet. All you need to do now is pick a game, pick a team to win, and get that moneyline bet in. Remember, you don’t have to bet big at all ever when you’re sports betting. If you want to bet $5 and call it a day, go for it! There are no rules that say you have to fire big amounts just because you have heard about other people doing it.

Good luck, and I know you’re going to have a good time, win or lose! Remember, only bet with money that you’re willing to part with and keep it about the fun.

I’m always looking for laughs and ever since I can remember I’ve always loved making people laugh. I’ve been cracking jokes with my mates ever since I was a kid. I could never be a comedian, though, because I don’t have the confidence to stand in front of a crowd. I don’t mind doing it in front of a camera though which is why I do a Laughaholics video every week.

Looking For Laughs And Where To Find Them

The other day I decided to start another blog which is dedicated to those folk looking for laughs. That blog has a unique Laugh_Out_Loud.org domain name, which I am extremely excited to own. Even though it’s early days, I’m thrilled with the amount of traffic it’s generating.

Even so, there’s nothing wrong with looking for even more ways to generate traffic. Naturally, I am using my other blogs to promote it but I know I needed something more. That’s when I thought of using Instagram, especially as it can be used as a free promotion tool. I even did a video that shows how to use Instagram to promote a blog.

My Laugh Out Really Loud Instagrame Page

I knew I need a name that described what the page was all about and I managed to snatch _laugh_out_really_loud! If you love to laugh you should Follow Me, seriously! 😎 The image below is one of my Instagram posts.

I know it’s going to take time to build up a following and I need a good reason for them to do so. And what better reason than the knowledge that the vast majority of my posts are unique. Not just reposting of stuff that’s already on the net.

Easy Sports Betting App

Here’s another of my Instagram posts.

You May Find The Following Of Interest

If you like a good laugh you should check out my Laughaholics jokes. You’ll especially love my latest Funny Three Women In A bar Joke video. Then, there is also my hialrious Adults Only Joke video.

While you’re there you may as well join my growing YouTube Channel. I’m always looking for new subscribers so why not consider subscribing to my My Bonzer Channel.

If you ever wondered how to remove a background from an image you should watch my Removing the background with InPixio Photo Clip.

Of course, you know you can always get more laughs at my Friday Funnies posts, not to mention my Heaps Of Jokes.


Jokes aside I reckon you’ll like my latest video Luminar 4 Review which show just how easy it is to replace a dreary sky for a dramatic one in your photos.